The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. It is impossible to do a survey of German literature without including one of Goethe's works. Considered by many to be the most important German writer, his effect on Western culture and philosophy is incalculable. Though Faust is considered Goethe's masterpiece, The Sorrows of Young Werther was one of Goethe's earliest successes and became a cult classic among young European men.
Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich von Schiller. Along with Goethe, Schiller was one of the spearheads of the Weimar Classicism movement. He founded the leading theater in Germany and helped to create a dramatic renaissance in the country. His plays are very important in the history of German drama. Wilhelm Tell tells the story of a legendary Swiss marksman and the Swiss struggle for independence from the Hapsburg empire.
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. As a German veteran of WWI, Remarque seeks to tell the story of how much of a toll war takes on a soldier both mentally and physically. The anti-war tone of the novel led to it's being banned by the Nazis.
The Trial by Franz Kafka. Unlike other literary traditions, German literature encompasses the works of authors of many different nationalities. Swiss, Austrian, and other nations have their literature included in the larger German tradition. So ,although he was born in Prague, Kafka is counted as one of the greats of German literature. The Trial is one of his most famous works.
Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann. One of the 20th century's most prominent German writers, Thomas Mann was also a Nobel prize winner. His novel Buddenbrooks helped him to win that prize. It tells the story of a wealthy merchant family that slowly declines as the 19th century gives way to the 20th.
Grimm's Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm. This collection of ancient fairy tales has kept many stories alive for generations. Though most of the stories are of German origin, there are a few French and Italian as well. Includes such classics as Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding Hood. One can just imagine little German children sitting by the fire at night listening to an old grandmother tell these tales.
If you have read any of these works, please let me know what your impression of them was. And if you would like to join me in reading some of these books that would be lovely. So, grab your lederhosen, your schnitzel, and your beer. We'll be spending this summer in the Fatherland.
I had read All Quiet on the Western Front in high school (during all of the Vietnam War protests) and was extremely moved by it. I have recently been on a WWI bings, starting with Birdsong, and have over the past year read a number of British view point WWI books and also some none fiction; The Proud Tower, The Guns of August, The Great War and Modern Memory. If prompted me to go out and get a copy of All Quiet and the Western Front. I was surprized at how much I remember once I started reading it (32 years after the first read). It is still moving and vivid. I live in Kansas City, which has the WWI musuem, with amazing and scary recreations for the trenches. If you are ever in the middle of the country, a swing by the museum is really worth the time.
If you like WWI stuff, may I suggest watching "My Boy Jack", about Rudyard Kipling's son. It's very moving. I've also heard that "Goodbye to All That" by Robert Graves is pretty good as well.
The fairy tales should be fun reads. Classic stories which are a part of our culture too. Happy German summer!
Some good choices here. I am currently reading 'Drei Kameraden' ('Three Friends'), Remarque's third in his trilogy of novels which started with 'Im Westen Nichts Neues' (in the sense of the themes - the characters are all different).
One of my recent favourites is Heinrich Böll. 'Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum' ('The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum') is a good place to start there.
I'm also looking for a challenge site for German Lit: do you know of any?
No, I'm afraid that I don't know of any particular German lit challenge. I don't generally participate in organized challenges, preferring to tailor them to my own tastes. Plus, German lit seems to be kind of short-changed in the book blogging sphere.
Kudos for referring to these books by their original titles. Wish I was smart enough to do that.
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